About Owen Sims
Life is about making connections. That's why I decided to study them.
Hello! I'm a PhD student and TA in Queen's University Belfast studying a combination of network science and game theory applied to problems such as contagion, competition, entrepreneurship, and power in networks. The methodology is primarily quantitative; specifically using set theory and statistics.
Apart from Econ, I enjoy technology, algroithm design, machine learning, UX and UI, photography, coffee and LOL'ing.
About owensims.co.uk
I used to build websites in my spare time before I began University. Many late nights were spent learning HTML, CSS, PHP, and Javascript... but I never really did anything with it. The intention is to add a 'teaching' tab, which will teach the basics of network science, game theory, and statistics applied to social sciences. It is going to take a long time to do, but it should be a great resource for all types of students across social sciences and computer science.
sims.owen@gmail.com |
Belfast, United Knigdom |